Lessons in the Cosmic Cabin are planned in line with the Primary Science National Curriculum and they provide the foundations for children to understand the world through Biology, Chemistry and Physics. As children progress through the year groups at Stanbridge, they will build upon their scientific knowledge as well as their skills in working scientifically. By the time they reach Upper Key Stage 2, children will have developed greater independence when planning and carrying out fair and comparative tests to answer a variety of scientific questions. For more information on the contents of the Primary Science National Curriculum, please see the document below.
Year 1
Animals including humans
Everyday materials
Seasonal changes
Working scientifically
Year 2
Living things and their habitats
Animals including humans
Uses of everyday materials
Working scientifically
Year 3
Animals including humans
Forces and magnets
Working scientifically
Year 4
Living things and their habitats
Animals including humans
States of matter
Working scientifically
Year 5
Living things and their habitats
Animals including humans
Properties and changes of materials
Earth and space
Working scientifically
Year 6
Living things and their habitats
Animals including humans
Evolution and inheritance
Working scientifically