At Stanbridge we aim to provide a wide variety of clubs for children to enjoy. They are run by a mixture of external coaches and teaching staff. Clubs run by external coaches have a cost, whilst teacher-run clubs are free. There are clubs available for children from Year R upwards. Further details can be found below. Enjoy!
How to book a place at a club
Clubs will be added to Arbor (Parent Portal) for you to register your child's place.
An email will be sent out when the clubs are available to register your child.
Once a club is oversubscribed, we will apply the following criteria:
Names will be drawn at random if there is a maximum number for a club
Children on a waiting list will get first choice
Then children not doing any other club
Where possible, we will try to put on another session.
Please note if you are applying for an external club you will have to contact the club coach direct.
Details will be given to you by the school office team.
Sporting Chance will advertise the clubs on offer each term.