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Primary School


SEND and Inclusion

At Stanbridge Primary School, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all our pupils, whatever their needs or abilities. Our aim is to enable all pupils to enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum, supporting the development of the whole child.


We are a friendly and welcoming school that embeds a fully inclusive approach to education for all. At Stanbridge Primary school, our inclusive ethos aims to encourage high expectations for all children and staff alike and our school motto "be brave; not perfect" permeates throughout daily life. 


Our SENDCo is: Mrs Lowrie

She can be contacted via the school office 


SEND local offer - South Glos

Link to South Glos Parents and Carers website


We endeavour to have strong relationships with families and it is essential to us that you have an active role in the discussion around your child; you know them best! We understand that every child is unique and listening to the family gives us a more holistic view of what approaches will suit each child best.


We meet pupil’s educational needs in a number of ways and this can differ from pupil to pupil according to the types of educational needs that they may have and the ways they find learning most engaging. All of this is taken into consideration to enhance and develop inclusion at every level. This can be seen in the classroom as small group work, use of additional resources, multi-sensory learning and adapting the teachers approach pupil to pupil.


Types of support

There are many different types of support available for pupils at Stanbridge Primary school. Interventions and approaches through Quality First Teaching are available for pupils with an educational need in any of the 4 areas outlined on the SEND Code of Practice and examples of the types of support seen day to day or throughout the year available can be summarised below:


Communication and interaction

  • Speech and language support from therapist
  • Speech and language support from a teaching assistant
  • Social interventions such as ‘Talkabout’
  • Use of visuals in class
  • Use of Makaton


Cognition and learning

  • Pre and/or post teaching
  • Differentiated learning approaches
  • Academic interventions such as phonics


Social, emotional and mental health

  • ELSA support
  • Thrive interventions
  • Access to CAMHS primary mental health specialist


Physical and sensory

  • Occupational Therapy (OT)  referral and support
  • SMART moves
  • Stepping Stones
  • Movement breaks based on OT advice


If you have concerns about your child, in the first instance, talk to your child’s class teacher. If you would like to talk to our SENDCO, Lynsey Lowrie, she can be reached by calling the school on 01454 862000.

