My name is Sharon Curtis and I am the Parent liaison at Stanbridge Primary School. I have worked
in education for over 26 years, have two 20+ sons and understand that parenting can be a true challenge!
The role of Parent liaison at Stanbridge is a role that can be tailored to meet the needs of all our families. Engaging families in their child's education is a key factor of the child's success and my role is to help families with any obstacles they may find in their way.
Here are some of the areas I have helped families with most recently. If it is not on the list, just ask. I may be able to help!
- Supporting positive relationship between home and school.
- Acting as a link between home and school including making home visits (Pre COVID), meeting virtually or at other suitable locations.
- Signposting to a range of services for families that may need additional support and information.
- Supporting families with Early Help Assessment Plans and signposting them to the appropriate support.
- Facilitating group work, meetings with outside agencies.
- Support in filling out forms and applications.
- Making contact/attending meetings with other agencies/professionals to provide families with extra help.
- Helping children and families to increase school attendance and minimise absences.
- Working with children and parents on a 1:1 or school group basis.
- Talking with, supporting and encouraging parents and children to help make their time at Stanbridge Primary School enjoyable and successful.
This year I will be working with families and supporting them in ways to improve on attendance and lateness, securing places for parents on courses, provide tailored or specialist help and improve communication between school and home.