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Primary School



Writing Assessment

At Stanbridge Primary School, we use the below writing grids to regularly gather evidence of what children can do across a range of writing. The principle behind them is that each year group’s grid features key learning from previous year groups so that all learning is constantly reinforced and re-taught.

This will ensure that children reach the end of  Y6 with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve age related expectations, reflecting the new assessment guidelines from The Standards & Testing Agency.

As a picture of the child as a writer is gradually built up across the year, gaps in learning can clearly be seen and most importantly they can be addressed. A large amount of evidence can be gathered from one piece of writing or just one piece of key evidence spotted in a piece.

Maths Assessment

Following a taught unit in maths, teachers will allow for some distance between new learning and an assessment. Approximately 2 weeks after a unit, teachers will use a 'distance checker' to check to see if children have retained the new skills. They will then assess the children using the below grids and, again more importantly, engineer opportunities to reteach skills that have not yet been mastered. Children should aim to be able to quickly recall those skills highlighted in yellow. In Years 1-6, children will also complete standardised assessments 3 times per year to strengthen our approach to assessment.